First National Forum on Secondary Fracture Prevention
On 20th November 2015, representatives from 22 organisations gathered in Sydney to attend the inaugural National Forum on Secondary Fracture Prevention. This meeting was a direct result of a position Paper Published by the Australia & New Zealand Bone and Mineral Society (ANZBMS) and endorsed by a large number of organisations and key stakeholders. The Paper drew attention to the appalling lack of effective osteoporosis care in Australia, and the shocking fact that 80% of patients who suffer a fragility fracture receive no treatment to prevent further fractures.
Strategic Plan Document 2021-2023
This updated Strategic Plan recognises the successes the Alliance has had since our formation- understanding the current 'state of play' of FLS in Australia and developing an evidence based model of primary care based secondary fracture prevention. It marks the shift of our focus to be testing, implementing and advocating for the model developed and develop the surrounding infrastructure required for effective Australian-wide secondary fracture prevention including an SFP Registry and electronic case finding tools.
Strategic Plan Document 2017-2019
These policies and programs will involve a shift from current common practice, which is focused principally on acute fracture repair, to engagement with a multi-disciplinary team in a dedicated secondary fracture prevention program. A multidisciplinary approach is required to prevent the falls that precipitate many fragility fractures, identify sentinel fractures early and with high probability, and implement the most appropriate interventions to prevent subsequent fractures.
SOS Fracture Alliance Newsletter 10- SEP 2023
- the first progress report on the ANZ Fragility Fracture Registry Project
- the publishing of the SOSFA Strategic Plan for 2021-2023
- a call out for facilities to take part in the next stage of our Electronic Case Identifier NLP tool project.
- And more...
SOS Fracture Alliance Newsletter 9- JULY 2022
- An update on the first year of the ANZ Fragility Fracture Registry Project.
- Status reports on the two secondary fracture prevention pilot projects being conducted by the Alliance.
- Some changes in the composition of the SOSFA Governing Committee.
- And more...
SOS Fracture Alliance Newsletter 8- JULY 2021
- the first progress report on the ANZ Fragility Fracture Registry Project
- the publishing of the SOSFA Strategic Plan for 2021-2023
- a call out for facilities to take part in the next stage of our Electronic Case Identifier NLP tool project.
- And more...
SOS Fracture Alliance Newsletter 7- SEP 2020
- the announcement of a NHMRC Investigator Grant for a Secondary Fracture Prevention program
- the conclusion of our Natural Language Processing (NLP) project testing electronic search tools for identifying fracture patients
- a new SOSFA project funded to establish a register of Fracture Liaison Services (FLS) in Australia.
- And more...